Monday, June 29, 2009


Today... is the day which has left so much n startling memories to me...
I have broken my own self so many "first time" record in tis day...such a great day...
congrats to me n the one hu help me to br8 together...
yeah yeah... hahahaha...
Within 3 sec in the peacefully lift... 2 n half hours in the romantic cinema... 30 min in the CHICKEN RICE SHOp(sry...i m nt promoting this shop)...on the street unleashing the buzz sound, awaiting the arrival of the bus...huh... i m so mesmerised by it...
the things happened today is dreamlike n spellbinding... never in my mind i could b so happy n sweet...
How many times my heart thudding so frantically, my blood rushing n blushing as if i had a bane that nearly had my life away...
The feeling is unbearble but i will b willing to cope with it... if there is another chance for me to try yet...
Until today only i could realise my feeling towards u... REally, truthfully, u r the one hu can illuminate my life...
to the dear one,


  1. wth!!! pheh...the language is so pro n high tech...
    sure dictionary beside...!

  2. zzz...
    u think i so free ah? stil using dictonary in playing time?
