REUNION of KMK moonlight gang~~
although there is some regret for wai seng cant join us anymore in university, yet hope that our camaradarie wont be relinquished.. ^.^ date us out and we limteh together again ya~~ =)
hahaha~ XD..
rushed frantically to LARKIN BUS STATION as we were late at the moment.. >.<
finally jing kun and I were able to reach safely.. >.<"
whiled 4 hours away sitting on the bus, spent most of the time stumbling in slumber land though~ XD
yeah! reach bandar tasik selatan by 12 p.m..
qiong jogoya!! haha~~
Lee Minho (M) showed his foreign languange off throughout the way and indeed drew a lot of attention from dozens people with bewildered look and with eyes open wide.. XD~~ the welcoming fans were considered not bad la.. at least there were 4 people waiting and welcoming us at the terminal~~ HAHAHAHA~~ =X
then qiong jogoya!! hahaha~ spent another 15 minutes waiting for VICKY, YEE WEN and my 5 nub brothers... >.<
JOGOYA left me speechless.. err~ quite different from wad i have thought of it should be... by the way, design and the environment inside was astounding and high-classing~ majestic enough so that it was troubling for us to choose our and out for several times... JAPANESE STYLE??
*JOGOYA - a japanese buffet restaurant located inside star hills*
(i bet this is the common place where my KL fans visit everyday)

promotion price : RM 58.00 per pax.
JB brothers and lenglui~~~

while choosing foods~~

(my mouth opened big!! >.<)
okie! haha~ KL has a lot and a lot of lenglui~~
frankly, all of my KMK KL gal friends are not bad looking too~ >.<"
hahaha~ wanna know wat u all rank in LEE Minho's heart??
(pm me if u are free~~ hahaha~)
tiw combed a extreme hairstyle! wow~ hahaha, XD~
honestly.. u should practice more ya~~ >.<"
you wear like u r going for a proposal instead of a dinner~~ XP
but is a good try! +U!!!
after snapping uncountable photos.. (errr... maybe countable..)
waving goodbye to vicky, yee wen, shwu yee and tiw...
(still pondering... since when our tiw so pro?? XD)
went LAOYAT~ then waved goodbye again to xin di and wan sam..
then we went my gay partner wei heng's house~~ XD
=D comfortable~ hahaha~~
the next day is a rather mundane day compared with Wednesday..
however still managed to meet yee hui's gang and yi yeen who came at last minute and just had the chance of smiling at us~ >.<"
It would be perfect if my wallets were not stolen!!!! >.<"
lost my wallet during my return journey to JB which i believe had been stolen and now in some trash bag... T.T
losing documents like IC, license really cost me plenty of time to mend the situation.. zzz...
=) ^.^ nvm la~~ enjoy the life~!!! XD
7 brothers~~

(for my JB frens.. pls choose the lenglui who u think prettiest..)
*ignore the kid sitting in the center*

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