Saturday, April 10, 2010

^^ (part 2) canada...

lolx, apa nak buat ini? erm... termenung kejap... haizzz... recently i really desert my bm le... in JPA interview's day, i cant produce a full flawless single sentence... so intimidating... haizzz... such a disgrace... well, half-hopefully i m nt being selected for the JPA schoalrship, then i m able to keep my arwek company... but another half keeps urging me to do the oppostite, going overseas~... haha... isn't it bizarre? haha... everyone is craving for it full-heartedly, but neither me... hahaha... ^^
CANADA~ seems like too far from malaysia~ haha... nvm, i can go ther honeymoon~ woohoo~ haha... ^^


  1. go thr hapiness for jh..haha

  2. yalo... hahaa~ my honeymoon sure wan go overseas de~ wakaka

  3. I don't want oversea zh, I want in City Square enough.. LMAO!
