Forth day -----------------------------------------------
Ok well.. I am really tired of describing the beauty of the scene. Pls browse through my pictures yourselves ya =P taste the 阿婆茶叶蛋 which is according to the local people, a very well known and must-try food in the 寺 there..
hahaha, NOT BAD! ^__^
Ok well.. I am really tired of describing the beauty of the scene. Pls browse through my pictures yourselves ya =P taste the 阿婆茶叶蛋 which is according to the local people, a very well known and must-try food in the 寺 there..
hahaha, NOT BAD! ^__^
after that, 我们包的车来载我们了。
look at the 车牌。 surprised, 6139 =P
hahaha... 真的去到哪里都被613缠着阿 <3
hahaha~ 尝了一杯女儿红, 喔喔,不错喔。 xP 没有被醉倒 哈哈~ ^__^
怪怪的地名吧 我一开始听到也是很奇怪 @@ 哈哈~ 是一个风景清幽的火车站~ 人家台湾旅游业真不是盖的。 明明一个旧的火车站也能做成旅游圣地... 我们呢?空有大把资源却不会珍惜~ 唉~
哈哈。好阿拉。 摆了几张我认为很唯美的偶像照,过过瘾。 xD 买了个木桶便当当小吃~ 哈哈, 单单木桶就200台币 了 @@
------------------------------ Fifth Day 第五天 ---------------------------
去了大溪花海.. eiiihh.. 就是很多很多花 @@
哈哈~ 由于我妈很喜欢花所以就选了这里~ =)
接着去国父纪念馆 里面就是有很多很多蒋介石的雕像。 都是由许许多多团体学校为了纪念他而做的 ^__^
有一道旁边都是枫叶的街道。很漂亮 =)
P/S : 这几天的晚餐都是些鲁肉饭啊 意面牛肉面之类的,吃到有点怕 @@
------------------------------ Sixth
Day 第六天 ---------------------------
野柳地质公园 + 九份老街 哈哈哈 说到这就兴奋了。
It was the coolest day among 8 days.
when we reached there, it was only
drizzle without sunshine.
Yet, due to it's location along seaside, the
howling breeze intensified the dampness of the surrounding air. Not to
exaggerate, I did shiver literally due to the strong wind. =3=
COLD to the max!! >.< 哈哈哈~
but it was really a nice experience. it is
strongly recommended to go during winter to experience the extreme weather. xD
once in a lifetime!
took photo with the 女王石 and so mission there accomplished.
LOL after that we went 九份老街 a lot of 小吃 there too.. we tried 花生卷+冰淇淋,香肠,宇圆,黄金Puff,and etc.
haha NOT BAD! 黄金瀑布 is a bit lame. It is just a place to c some waterfall.
I LOL when I reached that place.
Nevertheless, the scenes in 十分瀑布 afterwards are breathtaking. You can see the gigantic waterfall
cascading from up to down with huge amount of water.
WOW. 说成是世外桃源也不为过。
then we went 放天灯。 yeah, it is a place where 沈佳宜 放天灯 in the drama 那些年。 however, we didn't 放, becoz we are not
interested LOL. 天灯 = 孔明灯 in malaysia.
P/S : Maybe i can develop my house
to be a 放天灯景点 in malaysia @@
We had our dinner 红烧鳗, delicious~! 士林夜市
afterwards is more or less like 逢甲夜市。 but
the 鸡排 really nice xP
Seventh day 第七天
@@ 台北动物园 哈哈~ 因为我可爱的小弟要求才来到了这个地方 >.< 幸好还不错~
哪里像有些国家填鸭式教学法 =3= 可以近距离看到熊猫!无尾熊! 也算不虚此行 =) 过后搭地铁到渔人码头欣赏日落。 途中遇到一辆车,不禁问到,怎么台湾有人眼光那么差阿?
LOL 接着看到一个超级有气质的女生在地铁里温习 >.<
P/S : 女朋友饶了我这一次吧 T.T
------------------------------ Last Day 第八天 ---------------------------
也是拍拍照就走人了 @@
hope to c u in future! <3
haha, i apologize for the rough description.
哈哈,如果想到台湾一游,feel free to ask me if you have any question, xD