Friday, December 31, 2021

2021 回顾

2021年, 新冠疫情还是没有压下来。不过幸运的是大家都已经打了疫苗,生活也逐渐回到了常态。





2020年的12月25日我也买了一辆新的 lexus Nx aka 小黑奖励自己哈哈,人生中一次买了那么贵的豪华车,不禁有小小的成就感啊。之前的kia的供期也直接付光了,给了老婆用。买了个按摩椅,着实满享受人生的 lol

就遇上疫情复发而 MCO,政治不稳定,烂透的预算案,著名炒家被翻底,一些散户明星股如 serbadk 被揭发做假账导致整个市场乌烟瘴气。不过幸运的是去年的第一桶金又成长了呵呵。没记错应该有接近100%?>.<

今年大概9-10月也发生了一些遇到小人的事情,是在股市里的 herman group 发生的事情,不过就算了,不想为了小人多费口舌哈哈。股市就是这样最现实的平台,赤裸裸资本主义下的产物。

哈哈哈哈 BYE! 新年快乐!!!

Friday, November 20, 2020


上一次update 是 2015年的时候哈哈。


那么为什么不要在面子书上记录呢?因为面子书太招摇了。这篇原本就有些炫耀的性质 (提前剧透,不喜勿入)哈哈哈。不过我相信我的周围朋友也没有几个还在看 blogger 啦。所以真的是写给自己而已。今天就想和你分享我的投资经验,我觉得很实用,可以拿来借鉴。




2017年因为朋友接着偶然接触到了股票。当时刚好是个大牛市,可惜我当时完全没有知识,然后朋友介绍几个 SIFU 给我,SIFU 给的 TIPS 我到现在都还记得。人生中第一个股票 GOB 和 Dolphin 买了就去 holland。幸好当时我的资本也不多,也就5,000~10,000左右。因此烧了50%都还可以。不过对当时的我来说真的很痛,睡也睡不着觉。接着我大学的好室友 matiw 出现了,他本身是 trader,我又傻傻地跟了他给的 CAB,意外地成为我第一个开番的股票。我还记得当年我买了 150lot RM 1.00 左右,因为 CAB 本身就是我做工的行业,我不少身旁的客户(连我自己的老板)都有。当时有一天开始他连升 10天,每天我都在公司笑得见牙不见眼。我老板却偏偏在他起的前一个星期卖了,那个礼拜我还能记得他咬牙切齿的模样哈哈。好吧总之2017年我就用赚的钱买了一台车(当然是供头期而已)LOL,接着也算收获不错,陆陆续续从30+k 赚到了 60k.

2017Y - Starting CAPITAL 30+k --> 60k 

想当年,2017年那么牛,少不了自我膨胀。以为自己是天之骄子,股票神童。2018年开启了我的 GG 之旅。在2018年一整年我又陆陆续续加码我的资本到了 70k。不过因为尝到了甜头,所以我增加了我交易的次数,结局都是以惨败收场。何况当年遇到马来西亚独立以来第一次换政府,整个市场除了第一天是大起之外,接下来的每天都是在跌。主要原因是许多GLC公司因换政府的原因导致大崩盘。我还记得那时候我人在意大利,半夜起来炒股票(时差7小时),记忆犹新。总之2018年开始我的交易次数很频繁,却一而再地越输越多。其中还去炒了 HSI,成为我人生中的一个大败笔。这一年,我输了我的资产超过50%

2018Y - Starting CAPITAL 70k --> 20+k

2019年,我痛定思痛。思考了人生的规划。也开始真正地去了解基本面和技术面的操作方式。也是遇到了我的另外一个好友 kelvin ,介绍了几个股给我翻身。哈哈!(要不然我觉得我现在应该已经退出股市了)我每天也会和几个好友讨论个股,一起研究。我也不再那么频密交易,终于慢慢上手,开始收复失地。2019年第一次赚了人生中的第一个百千。2019年年尾,我毅然决然地另外私人贷款一个 50k投入股市,期间也做了不少挣扎,不过我觉得50k 还是我的负担之内,因此才有了这个决定(绝对不是鼓励你去借钱投资)。2019年赚了点后,我也买了戒指,然后在克罗地亚和现在的老婆(废话)求了婚,度了小小的蜜月。

2019Y - Starting CAPITAL 20+k --> 100k

2020Y, 也就是今年,我再次达到了自己新的里程碑。因为疫情的关系,3月开始在家办公,那时候全球股票大跌,全世界都见证了美国股市经历几次熔断的+原油跌至负数的经过。不过幸运地是:在美国熔断的第一天我就全部果断斩仓离场,因此我的损失虽然当天损失惨重,不过这也给了我额外充裕的资金在接下来的日子捞了不少底。我也在这年捞到了我人生中的第一桶金。车贷还了,个人贷款还了,屋子买了,老婆娶了,总算觉得人生还不错哈哈哈。我本身小小的 Damon Fund 的各位Shareholders (我爸妈老婆)今年也都得到了超过100%的回酬率!实实在在的现金 transfer 进他们的bank account,还不错吧!我也因此有了新的规划,计划在2021的第一天就辞职,计划往投资这一行发展。(先辞再说哈哈哈,话说我的同事老板应该不会看到我的这篇吧?哈哈哈要不然今年就没 bonus 拿了 XDD)。最近也在考虑投资一些房地产,分散手头上的风险,提早规划退休人生。

2020Y - Starting CAPITAL 100k --> 第一桶金


1. 经常听到人说股市如虎口,其实这取决于你的态度。股市和赌博一样,一个“贪”可以令你死无葬身之地。当有一天你可以克服,不再被大众的喧哗影响,就是你成功的开始

2. 从巨赚到巨亏又巨赚,我可以说在3年里经历了过山车式的经历,也因此有了许多你没有经历过真的得不到的宝贵经验。没有经历过,真的无法想象。

3. 其实我很乐意帮忙周围的朋友了解这一块,投资其实要从早开始。可是我时常听到的都是;“哎呀现在没钱啊,多几年再来看吧”,‘没时间啊,平常上班都好累了’,要不然就是对自己的策略方法也很有信心(不过说真的,目前我还真没有遇到)呵呵你们真的走宝了,身旁有个我都不知道。以后我不觉得我会有那么空闲的时间来答你们了,如果今天你有幸看到这篇文章,有兴趣的话真的可以来和我交流的,别害羞。我有自己的一套投资法则,希望可以继续完善并改进,也希望加强自己的人脉。

4. 如今拿着月薪 5000。真的足够你们的开销吗?月薪5000,每个月做工22天,每天9小时,其实你的时薪只有区区 RM 25。当然,每个人的生活需求都不同,主要还是看自己。不过我觉得真的需要多一些的收入来源,当钱不再是烦恼,人生真的美好很多。

好啦,希望明年我可以更上一层楼,赚更多钱给我爱的人和我自己花。也希望明年我会有时间再 update 我的人生历程。(希望是越来越好)

大家加油!奋斗!35岁财务自由 !


1. FD + Saving Plan - 10%
2. Stock : Long Term (Genting, Genm), Mid Term (Presbhd, Jaks, Phb), Short term (Mynews, Artroniq)
参考就好,尤其是Short term / mid term 组合,我随时都会卖或加入新的个股。目前手上的都是在 profit 中。在考虑辞职了之后是不是学 KYY 得空就写一下 blogger update 然后叫全部人一起帮我 push 哈哈哈

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Finally time to face reality - LIFE.
It is certainly something to be proud of to be able to graduate especially from university like University of Malaya. This literally marks the end of my study life.

20 years of studying.
Mingling with happiness, sourness, bitterness, all kind of emotions surged through and frantically gasped for the air especially in this rainy night.
Albeit graduated with title of Actuarial Science Bachelor, it really takes me a lot courage to choose the path I am currently embarked on.
Struggling within several sleepless night, considering tormentingly every outcomes and dreams to be achieved, it took me to where I am now.
Hope that Blogger could sustain for another 10 years and I promise myself that by that time, I would look back what I were 10 years ago and am I on the right path successfully pursuing my dreams.

My ambition is to become an entrepreneur and that's why I have chosen to forfeit my actuarial courses. Maybe someday in the future I might regret for not able to carrying on with this, but what do I realize now is that I would definitely feel remorse for not mustering my courage to go after my dreams when I am still young. =)


再过个四十天就是 2016 年。24 岁了。看看这个数字突然觉得很可怕。
Time is the greatest weapon ever created by human.
No one escaped.
Never in history.

Future does not come by its own and is not maneuvered by others.
Future is yours. No one understands you better than yourself.
No one decide future for you but you.

Good luck everyone...
Good night world...
(done for today, time to face life tomorrow)

Friday, February 13, 2015

4 days 3 nights Sabah trip (Mabul island and Tawau)

First day

Well, until I am back to my real life now, I still cant help recalling the stunning beauty and the indelible mesmerizing view of Mabul Island. It is a place isolated from the hustle and bustle of the city and indeed a true paradise for every nature lover. Not to forget to mention that Scuba Junkie, a place where we spent our days in Mabul Island is a must-go resort and strongly recommended.

At the very first day, we took our flight off at 7.30 and reached there around 10.30. We then took a van to the Semporna, (a jetty which is a pass through for everyone before departing to every island around that region). It took us approximately 1 hour to reach and we had a simple lunch there. It is a huge relief to see that harmony among races still actually prevail in East Malaysia where you can see Malays work in Chinese restaurant and all kind of races gathered at Chinese and Malays restaurant to have their meals together neglecting the difference of skin colors which make how different they look in their appearance.

Girlfriend taking photo with many patterns. LOL

We then headed to the long-waited Mabul Island! Along the journey, the crystal clear ocean, the soaring seagull(very few though), the howling wind due to the speeding of the boat with occasional splash of water onto our faces invigorated our deadbeat body resulted of the long travelling hours. Not really realizing how much time been spent on the boat, we reached the island which immediately feasted our eyes with it's intense beauty.

(Scuba Junkie is a resort run by foreigners, whose mostly come from US I believe. Despite being foreigners, they actually do a lot more better job in conserving our Malaysian ecosystem than our Malaysian. Such an irony fact to tell, isn't it?

'40 millions years to perfection, 40 years to almost destroy'
- one of the quotes printed on their t-shirt generally triggered so much inspiration on humanity behaviors towards the mother nature.)

We reached Pulau Mabul by 4 p.m
The staffs helped us carry the luggage and briefed us of the island, welcoming us with superb hospitality. Literally felt the surge of safety and warmth the moment I stepped on the land. (though the island had actually been threatened with the invasion of Philippines terrorists recently)

We checked in and took some rest in the chalet.
After that, we had our dinner at 7 which was served with Western Cuisine such as spaghetti, french fries and so on. The food was nice.

We then attended a talk given by some shark lover from US. They introduced us the sharks and worked on many efforts to save the sharks from being extincted, including urging the government to illegalize the shark fishing activities and to promote awareness to public on the significance of sharks in an ecosystem. Extremely guilty when the slides actually depicted some pictures of Chinese eating the shark fins soup.

After having some chill in the bar, we then slipped into the slumber land at early hours to brace for the next activity-fully-loaded day.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

21st birthday post

So it is my 21st birthday =)
Quite emo as I had just lost my puppy one week before.

就祝大家开开心心一家人健健康康 =)
真不敢相信 21 岁的我愿望那么简单。
其实,简简单单的幸福才是最可贵不是吗? ^__^
还有就是终于可以堂堂正正跟 7-11 的 counter 说要买 CXXXXX 了
虽然暂时没有机会用到不过也是很爽 xD
就这样啦 >.<
call 来的 msg 来的 pm 的
大学的中学的matrik的全部全部! <3 <3
(女朋友列?很忙啊摇准备考试都不得空理我 T.T)

Monday, October 28, 2013

十月二十八-致 DENDI

不过决定延后写了.. 实在是对不起..好不好意思 @@

晚餐时分,妈妈 call 了一通电话,很凝重地和我说 dendi 死了,一时之间反应不过来,过后一股伤感油然而生,慢慢地如雪球越滚越大,直到过后另有一件极伤心事发生,如火上加油,乃一发不可收拾。
想起 Dendi 以往那活泼可爱捣蛋顽皮无辜胆小的模样只能在回忆里缅怀,心一阵绞痛。(已经不想再多着墨,今晚已经哭得太多太多,虽说和 dendi 只有两个月多的感情,那已经够了,太够了,足够令我想起和他所经历的一切,只想说,此时此刻,我很想再和他一起。)



Sunday, September 1, 2013

PHONE for nowadays

Yes I despise smart phone.
I used to be one of them, playing an Ipad while waiting for food to be served or so on.
Yet, not after my mum scolded me and forbid it.
I really thanks my mum for fixing my bad habit.
And now,
I use my eyes to see the world, not through a camera lens.
I use my heart to feel the world, not through social networking.
The concrete happiness I feel belongs to me.

Phone is merely a device to connect people.
Not to wreak havoc on life.

*sometimes I do sincerely feel glad for that I do not own an apple, I am gratified with my orange.*


YES! Here come my new family member
DENDI  !!!
He has actually came for 2 days yet I am not free to blog.
Well, welcome to my family, this is the first time we ever breed a dog and it appears to be a challenging task indeed.. >__<
Hope u stay happily and healthily here, Dendi.